Welcome to Sharings, the journal of BreakfastMeet.com.

Meet for breakfast first.

Breakfast is the meal that says you are making an emotional commitment to the person with whom you are sharing the meal. This doesn’t need to be life-partner-level commitment. If you each walk away from the meal appreciating one thing about the other person you didn’t know before, you will have made the gathering, and the meal, count. (This Breakfast First concept is loosely based on the writings of Peggy Orenstein, one of my favorite authors. Her writing is always lucid and well-researched. She will give you new insights into difficult topics. And she has a new book coming out on January 7, 2020! You can find her website here: peggyorenstein.com. You can sign up for her email newsletter here: Princess Press.)

Sharings, and BreakfastMeet.com, is a blog devoted to helping you find ways to make friends. Sometimes I may just be talking about breakfast – I am a food researcher who thinks meals should be savored, not just consumed. And whatever spins off from that. Maybe eventually a whizzy phone app that will change your life without harvesting your data. But for now, go eat breakfast, and then come back and read the next post. Or read the next post while eating breakfast.

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